Decision-Making Counseling for Pregnant Women
The role of a trained healthcare provider in a woman’s pregnancy is important. She’s trusting you for experience and guidance as she makes decisions about her pregnancy.
Here are tips for making the most of the professional responsibility to each mother assisted:
- Inform her of the options available, including adoption. (It’s never too late for adoption.)
- Provide neutral, factual information on each option, and educate her as to the possible outcomes of the options available.
- Offer her referrals to learn additional information needed before making an informed decision about her pregnancy or child.
- Allow her to share her thoughts and questions about her situation.
- Maintain a neutral, informed position on adoption, independent of personal opinion or experience.
- Encourage her to discuss her long and short-term goals after the pregnancy.
If a woman feels pressured or coerced into choosing or rejecting adoption, it could violate her right to “informed consent.” Allow her time to think about the information available to her, to ask questions, research further, or to speak with an unbiased counselor or another birth parent. Supportive after-care is encouraged as she adjusts after her pregnancy decision. Please refer to the Resources page for additional info on patient support resources. Free adoption in-service training is available for you and your staff. Just call the National Adoption Answer Line at 1-800-923-6602.

Request a Complementary Adoption Kit for Your Office, Clinic, or Hospital
- Healthcare guide
- Sample adoption brochures to review– you can order more for free!
- Adoption pocket cards
- Information about FREE adoption training for your facility
- And more!