Adoption Resources for Healthcare Professionals
It’s important for healthcare professionals to stay current on the latest adoption topics and information available. In addition, you should partner with trusted adoption professionals who will be easily accessible and provide the services, support, and resources needed for a woman to learn more about or begin creating an adoption plan.

For more information, free adoption in-service training, and qualified assistance for healthcare staff and the patients you serve, visit:
Open Adoption
Information on the option of open adoption. In an open adoption, the birth mother has a say in who adopts her baby. She can also choose to receive on-going contact with the adoptive family.
Lifetime Adoption
Lifetime Adoption is an independent adoption agency, bonded and registered with the State of Florida. With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, Lifetime Adoption was founded in 1986 and completes approximately 12 adoptions each month.
Bi-Racial Adoptions
The Bi-Racial Adoption Program is designed to offer bi-racial women facing an unplanned pregnancy with caring, compassionate, and confidential adoption services. Bi-Racial Adoptions also helps adoptive parents adopt the baby or child of their dreams.
Christian Adoption Online
This Christian adoption program is for women seeking Christian adoptive parents. Christian Adoption Online offers compassionate, personalized attention and support, regardless of the birth mother’s decision to adopt or parent.
African American Adoptions Online
Adoption information and help for African American women facing an unplanned pregnancy. African American Adoptions Online offers black birthmothers with a large selection of African American families to adopt their baby, as well as Caucasian families hoping to adopt an African American baby or child.
Assistance for Patients or Clients Considering Adoption
Birth Mother Blessings
Provides maternity and post-pregnancy clothing, household items, and other necessities for birth mothers making an adoption plan.
Lifetime Foundation
Lifetime Foundation proudly offers educational scholarships in deep appreciation to birth mothers who have chosen adoption.
I Could Never Give My Baby Away
Assistance for young women who are pregnant and worried about their choices. I Could Never Give My Baby Away offers the assurance and tools these young women need to determine the choice that is right for them!
Pregnancy Help Online
Whether your patient has just found out that they’re pregnant, or are late into their pregnancy, Pregnancy Help Online provides information on their choices. Pregnancy Help Online understands that decisions about a pregnancy aren’t always easy. Unplanned or unexpected pregnancies happen, and helping them to make the best decision for themselves and their baby is what Pregnancy Help Online is there for.

Request a Complementary Adoption Kit for Your Office, Clinic, or Hospital
- Healthcare guide
- Sample adoption brochures to review– you can order more for free!
- Adoption pocket cards
- Information about FREE adoption training for your facility
- And more!