Reviews of The Healthcare Professional’s Adoption Guide:
“A must-read for all healthcare providers…your guide gave our staff the ability to walk through an adoption process while providing gentle encouragement and quality patient care.”
-Regina Bower, R.N.
“The ‘bedside manner of adoption’ guide for anyone treating pregnant women. It is practical, comprehensive, and complete in its presentation of healthcare provider responsibilities.”
-Lawrence Donaldson, M.D.
“One part I think was helpful for my staff was the page that included positive adoption language and vocabulary. It’s good to update the way we talk about adoption, in addition to knowing how to support a patient going through it.”
-Nancy, RN in Washington
“Finally! A short and concise guide to relating with patients regarding adoption. In the past, many of our hospital employees have felt uncomfortable around women who are planning to place their babies up for adoption. This guide will acquaint them with how to better handle such situations.”
-Alison, Labor & Delivery RN in California
“I am so glad that our facility ordered this guide! Recently, we had a patient who decided, while in the early stages of labor, to place her baby for adoption. It was helpful to support her in her unique situation, and to be reminded that it truly is never too late to make an adoption plan.”
-Tim, a doctor in New York

Request a Complementary Adoption Kit for Your Office, Clinic, or Hospital
- Healthcare guide
- Sample adoption brochures to review– you can order more for free!
- Adoption pocket cards
- Information about FREE adoption training for your facility
- And more!